Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 6

So both of my wonderful children were up in the night for whatever reason, I have no idea, but either way it meant not much sleep for mommy. So we had a very rough morning, with lots of wining and crying(from the kids, though I was close at one point). But the afternoon went much better. We got out and took a 50 minute walk today which was great. We walked up to the Dollar General and got candy(shame, shame) and ate it outside in the fresh air and then walked home. I am not sure what the distance is, probably not but about a quarter mile but it was still 50 min, not including the time at the store itself of walking, which is kinda alot for Christopher to do but he loves to do this walk. The morning was so rough I didn't even eat breakfast...I did cook something new tonight :)

no food
Hot chocolate
1 tblsp peanut butter
Coffee mug of taco soup w/ tsp sour cream and some shredded cheese
handful of chips
Sneakers w/ Almonds
couple sips of Coke(shared by me, Kat, and Christopher)
Steak(about 3 oz)
5 Shrimp
Baked sweet potatoe w/ butter and brown sugar
Salad w/ Italian dressing
* I haven't actaully eaten yet, but after Christopher goes to bed in a few, I think I will bake peanut butter cookies for Robert and I. I will NOT eat 6 this time though :)

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