Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back on the wagon...

the diet wagon that is. So my hubby has decided to seriously try to lose some weight, and I am so happy and proud of him. It also makes things easier on me because he is now eating what I am and I am not buying as much snack stuff, so there is less temptations. So far this week we have both done very well. I have been packing his lunch and snacks, for him right now he actually needs to eat more than usual since he is really bad about eating one or two huge meals and eating late at night. I am using the Biggest Loser 30-day jump start as a guide. Mainly because I just can't bring myself to eat about half of their menus, but I am being very careful about our calorie intake and greatly upping our fruit and veggies everyday! I have tried several new recipes this week and all but the pineapple pork(there is no picture of it because I couldn't get a got one), but here are pics of some of the stuff we have tried this week.

Blueberry bran muffins(Biggest Loser)

Tomato and Mozz pizza burger(Morning star veggie burger) w/ broiled asparagus

Keys style chicken,broiled asparagus w/ mozz, and baked spiced oranges

Garlic Steak w/ broiled asparagus and mixed roasted potatoes(w/ evoo and Cajun seasoning)

As you can see I have been on an asparagus kick this week, the burger was actually my lunch today though, so I only served it twice for dinner. I didn't weigh myself at the beginning of the week but I am pretty sure I have gained most if not all the weight I lost back in the last 2 months I will weigh tomorrow and see how ugly it is 8]

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